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Panasonic Designs New Battery Management Technology Measuring Battery Electrochemical Impedance

Panasonic designs new battery management technology measuring battery electrochemical impedance. This technology is supposed to be applied to different gadgets that utilization lithium-ion battery modules with numerous battery cells stacked in series and to future vehicles.

Panasonic has built up this technology in a joint effort with Professor Masahiro Fukui of Ritsumeikan University. Panasonic built up another battery observing IC test chip, software and measurement algorithm while Ritsumeikan University assessed the performance utilizing actual batteries.

The recently created battery the executives technology makes it conceivable to gauge electrochemical impedance utilizing the AC current excitation technique for lithium-ion stacked battery modules that are introduced in working gadgets.

Moreover, this technology intends to empower the assessment of residual value by method for a weakening determination and disappointment estimation dependent on an examination of procured estimation data.

Conventional electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is generally utilized as a non- destructive technique for assessing lithium-ion batteries. This estimation strategy requires an application explicit estimating instrument and an enormous thermostatic chamber that keeps the temperature of the battery steady, and it was important to gauge every cell in the research center.

Conventional BMIC measures the individual battery voltage of 6 to 14 lithium-ion battery cells stacked in series. By utilizing numerous BMICs, BMS obtains battery cell voltage data from a few up to 200 cells associated in series, screens the battery, and guarantees its sheltered use.

The electrochemical impedance estimation is accomplished by 15 completely parallel digital / analog converters and an AC current excitation circuit with heartbeat tweak from 0.1 Hz to 5 KHz and an unpredictable voltage/complex current change circuit worked in the BMIC.